Primary Role
In a group setting, minstrels are typically expected to heal
unless otherwise instructed.
Other Roles
Minstrels can do decent DPS now that Helm's Deep has launched and
brought with it all the class changes. For example, on my mini, Andadrien, I devastated for 30k
the other day. Minstrels can also go yellow line and buff and stuff, but I've
never seen a minstrel go full yellow. It just isn't practical.
Nature of the Class
The minstrel is a powerful healer that is responsible for keeping
it's group or raid alive. According the LOTRO wiki, the minstrel is the heart
of the fellowship, a herald of hope and renewal. He (or she) uses his
knowledge of ancient songs and lore to ward against the forces of darkness
and bring relief to his companions.
The minstrel can also deal out damage in certain situations. The
minstrel has great survivability as it can both dps and self heal when solo.
Trait Trees
Red: When you trait red, you will have greater access to damaging
skills allowing you to be a powerful damage dealer. This traitline is called the
Warrior-Skald. Usually you are in Dissonance stance while you are traited red in order to do the
most damage. I typically invest most of my points into the red tree. I don't
put points into Echoing Anthem of War as the increased anthem duration is not
as worth it to me. I put one point in the yellow tree to get Anthem of Composure
in case I need to regenerate power. Any remaining points, I put towards the
blue tree to get increased heals if I need to heal myself while DPSing. You gain Call to Fate.
Cry of Orome, and Cry of the Valar from traiting red, and the capstone
skill for this traitline is Cry of the Wizards.
As you put more points into the Warrior-Skald tree, you get more bonuses that
aid you in your dealing of damage. They are as follows:
•Discordant Ballads
- All ballads now will grant you a 5% Tactical Damage buff to yourself.
•Piercing Calls -
The chance to resist your cries and calls is reduced by 10%.
•Concentration -
You gain immunity to interruption and induction setback for 5 seconds after
scoring a Critical hit.
•Haste - Ballads
reduce active cooldowns of cries and calls by
one second. This is nice for some of your shorter cooldown skills; however, it
doesn't make a huge difference with some of your longer cooldowns.
•Freedom - Calls
have a chance to trigger the ability to use a single healing skill from
another stance. There is a 10% chance for Dissonance Calls and Cry of the
wizards to allow the use of Raise the Spirit, Chord of Salvation or the
improved versions of these skills for 10 seconds.
•Fierce Cries -
Critical Magnitude on healing skills is increased by 25% and adds 15% to Cry
and Call Critical Damage.
•Encore - There is
a small chance that a coda will not consume your ballads (-30% chance for
Codas to cashout Ballad Buffs).
Blue: This traitline is called the Watcher of Resolve. It is your healing traitline, and you will typically be in Resonance stance when traited blue. I invest all my points into the blue tree with the
exception of the Pause for Breath as I rarely have a power issue. Skills
gained by traiting blue are Soliloquy of Spirit, Improved Chord of Salvation,
Triumphant Spirit, Perfect Ending, Resonant Piercing Cry, Call to Ioreth, and Rally. The capstone skill for this traitline is Legend of Hammerhand. I typically put one point into the red tree to gain the stun
chance on Piercing Cry. This is useful if something is attacking you while
you are healing. You can stun something while you take that time to run away
or for someone else to gain agro on that mob. It’s also useful for the Ettenmoors. You stun them so you can get a little further away. The rest of
my points I put in the yellow tree to get Anthem of Composure again, and I
put points towards Improved Inspire Fellows. You get several benefits from traiting blue, and they are as follows:
•Open Ears - Coda
of Resonance has a 10% chance to grant a +10% Incoming Healing Buff to nearby
fellows for ten seconds. Open Ears - Coda of Resonance has a 10% chance to
grant a +10% Incoming Healing Buff to nearby fellows for ten seconds.
•Resonant Ballads -
All Ballads increase Outgoing Healing by an extra 3%.
•Snowball - Healing
skills build a stacking buff. At maximum stack, you can use a powerful heal.
At 7 stacks, the potent healing skill Perfect Ending will be made available
for use for a short time. I like this skill. It gives a pretty decent heal
and is quite handy when you need another quick heal.
•Bolster Our
Courage - A portion of Bolster Courage's heal is also applied to nearby
fellows. I really like this one. As Bolster Courage is a single target heal,
it is nice for a little AoE heal to be
applied when you are focus healing a particular person but the group could
use a little bit of heals.
•Call to Ioreth - I think this one is a
fantastic bonus. You invoke the name of the expert Gondorian Healer. Remembrances of
her techniques guarantee your next heal to be a Critical Heal.
•Rally - Revives a
defeated ally in combat, with their Health and Power mostly intact. This is a
great skill to have when healing a group. Also, have the legacy on your LI to
reduce the cooldown. This is super
•Chord of Legend -
This adds +100% Chord of Salvation Healing. That's really beneficial when you
need that quick healing boost.
Yellow: The yellow trait tree allows you to access more anthems
and become someone who is able to better buff the group that they are in.
Personally, I've not traited fully yellow, so I
cannot describe the perks of this traitline in great detail.
I do, however, like to put a few points into the yellow traitline no matter what I'm traited to access the Anthem of
Composure. This anthem is handy when you are low on power. Use that anthem
and then your coda - you will then gain power over time. A minstrel should
never run out of power.
Key Skills
Key Skills for Healing:
•Regular Rotation -
Before using any of these skills, I always use 3 Major Ballads for the
outgoing healing modifier (or you can pop Cry of the Chorus to apply 3
ballads quickly). Once you have your ballads up, make sure you always have an
anthem going - I like to use Resonant Anthem of the Third Age while healing
for the +10% outgoing healing and the -25% inductions for all skills. Also,
if you use your coda (which is a large heal), your next Bolster Courage has
no induction, but I don't do this unless I absolutely have to and need the
heal (or to regenerate power) as I would have to re-apply all ballads and the
•Bolster Courage: This is a good strong single target heal. This
is probably your most used and most standard heal. It is good for getting
your ally or yourself back to full moral.
•Raise the Spirit: Need a quick heal with a short induction? Use
this. The heals is not as strong as Bolster Courage, but it has a quicker
•Inspire Fellows: This is your basic fellowship-wide heal. This
will do a moderate heal to everyone in your group. Use this when your allies
all could use a bit of a boost.
•Chord of Salvation: I use this in my regular rotation as
something to boost my target's morale while I then take the time to do an
induction heal such as Bolster Courage.
•Emergency Skills: In times of dire need, these skills can be very
•Fellowship's Heart: This is a great skill to use when your entire
fellowship is taking significant damage. This provides a decent initial heal
when you use the skill and then you have a powerful heal over time. Everyone
in the group is healed a bit every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
•Triumphant Spirit: If your group is going down and you don't have
time to induct your Fellowship's Heart, use this. It is a massive
fellowship-wide instant heal. I've had heals of up to 17k when this does a
critical heal. It's beastly.
•Chord of Salvation: I list this again as it is an instantaneous
heal. When someone's morale is dropping quickly, throw this heal on them.
This is also nice if you are fighting something that is causing you to kite -
it is able to be used on the move (SUPER useful)
•Call to Ioreth: This skill ensures that
the next heal you do will be a critical heal. This is super useful if you
need to make sure you get a really big heal in.
Key Skills for DPSing: As with Healing,
you will want to apply 3 Minor Ballads for the outgoing damage buff. I then
use either Anthem of War or Dissonant Anthem of the Third Age. Anthem of War
give you increased damage, and you can also put legacies on your LIs to
increase the damage that this anthem does. Dissonant Anthem of the Third Age
boosts your call damage by 10%.
•Area of Effect
Skills: Minis are decent AoE DPSers - obviously not a
blender like Champions, but decent, nonetheless.
•Cry of the Wizard: This is a powerful AoE attack. It can hit up to
8 targets! It slows your target and increases their attack duration which
causes your enemy to not be able to attack as fast. This skill also has a 10%
chance to unlock heals to a friendly target.
•Call of Orome: Not as powerful as Cry
of the Wizards, this skills can still hit up to 7 targets, and has the same
10% chance to unlock heals to a friendly target.
•Call of the Second Age: This hits up to 3 targets. I believe
there is a LI legacy to increase the number of targets for this skill. It
temporarily gives nearby allies a run speed boost.
•Cry of the Valar: This hits up to 3
targets as well; additionally, it can remove one corruption from your target.
It is useful as it also increases your in-combat morale regeneration for 30
•Single Target
•Ballads:Your ballads are also single target damage skills.
•Call to Fate: This is going to be your most powerful skill. This
hits even harder than your Coda of Fury (which, once again, I don't use if
possible as then I would have to rebuild anthems unless I'm trying to
regenerate power). I've seen it hit as high as 30k.
•Timeless Echoes of Battle: This skill is fun. It is a toggle
skill which does damage over time to the enemy that you have applied this
skill to.
•Piercing Cry: I love this skill. Even when I'm traited heals, I have a point in
the red tree to unlock a chance to stun when using this skill. It does decent
damage, can stun mobs (if traited), and can remove
one corruption.
•Dissonant Strike: I don't use this as much as it is a melee
skill; however, it is nice as it increases your incoming healing and also has
a chance to drain your enemy of morale and give it to you.
Other useful skills are -
•Bubbles - Bubbles of temporary morale allow you to protect
yourself or an ally while you take the time to heal.
•Song of the Hammerhand - Grants you a
bubble of temporary morale.
•Gift of the Hammerhand - Grants one
fellowship member a bubble of temporary morale.
•Improved Gift of the Hammerhand - Grants two
fellowship members bubbles of temporary morale.
•Legend of the Hammerhand - Heals traited only - Applies bubble to
all fellowship members within 20 meters. If the bubble expires rather than
being broke, it will also grant a small heal to your fellowship members.
•Invocation of Elbereth - This will fear
an enemy and send them running away for a short period of time. This is
useful when you are fighting several mobs.
•Story of Courage - Removes fears, wounds, poisons, and diseases
from you and your fellowship. It also provides a short time of increased fear
Key Stats & Virtues
Primary Stat:
•Your main stat as
a minstrel is going to be Will. You want to focus on building up your Will.
Will increases your melee offence rating, tactical offence rating, outgoing
healing rating, resistance rating, and tactical mitigation. This means it
contributes to the following:
•Tactical Mastery: This is important. Will give you lots of
tactical mastery which you want lots of! It not only increases the damage of
your tactical attacks (most of your skills), it greatly increases your
outgoing healing. As a minstrel, you want your outgoing healing to be as
great as possible to ensure you can heal much more powerfully and
•Physical Mastery: This increases the damage done by any melee or
ranged attacks.
•Tactical Mitigation: If you have enough will, you wont have to
worry about this category - you'll most likely cap it without even trying.
For minstrels, this caps out at 40%. This reduces the damage taken from
tactical attacks.
•Resistance Rating: This is pretty self explanatory. Having more
resistances means you have a greater chance of avoiding effects.
Secondary Stats:
•Your next stat
that you'll want a bit of is Vitality. This gives you morale (health). You'll
want to have some morale as you're a light armour class. You are
vulnerable. Vitality not only contributes to morale, but it also contributes
•Physical Mitigation: Reduces the damage taken from physical
attacks. This, like tactical mitigation, caps at 40%.
•Tactical Mitigation: Discussed above.
•Resistance Rating: Discussed above.
•Non-combat Morale Regeneration: More of this means you are able
to regenerate your health more quickly when you are out of combat.
•You'll also want
to make sure you have some Fate. Fate is crucial to your critical rating.
Fate gives:
•Critical Rating:
•Increases the critical hit chance and magnitude of your melee,
ranged, and tactical attacks.
•Increases the devastating hit chance and magnitude of your melee,
ranged, and tactical attacks.
•Basically, this makes you more likely to hit harder or heal
bigger. You want this.
•In-combat Morale Regeneration: This is how quickly you regain
morale while fighting without any additional heals.
•In-combat Power Regeneration: This is how quickly you regain
power while fighting.
•Non-combat Power Regeneration: This is how quickly you regain
your power while you are not in combat.
•You'll want
virtues to give you that last little boost you'll need to round out your
character. You've learned how to trait, what your skills do - now to finish
off your character. I use skills that boost my Will, Vitality, and
mitigations. The ones I have equipped are:
•There is no set
list on what you have to choose. You can play around with what you have
equipped. Choose virtues that will boost you up in areas that you might need
a little help in.
I've been playing the minstrel for almost a year and a half. I've
accomplished a lot that very few other minstrels on the server have
accomplished. I raid regularly with some of the top raiders on the server.
Soloing or small-group content allows more chances for dpsing, whilst fellowship or
raid sized content requires more healing. Each type of content has its perks
and its downside, but all can be entertaining and enjoyable.
The minstrel really is one of the most versatile classes in the
game. It heals, it damages, and it buffs. It is a complex, but it is also a
very rewarding class to play. You'll love the class once you learn it and
experience the diversity that comes with playing a minstrel.
Speaking to diversity - you can also do more than one thing withing a single instance. Let's
use School at Tham Mirdain for example. This is a
3-man instance. I might start out traited red and in
dissonance stance. The first part you just need lots of DPS to mow down the
enemies. When I get to the second boss, I usually stay red traited but switch to resonance
stance so I can dps and heal a bit; however,
once that second boss is beaten, I will switch to blue traiting as well. This allows me
to much more powerfully heal myself (as I usually am tasked with kiting the
couple dozen enemies in the final boss room), and it allows me to heal my two
companions as they kill the boss.
Important Legacies for Healing - you'll want these on your
healing weapons and book:
•Rally Cooldown - This is important.
You'll want to have your in-combat resurrect to be available as often as
•Triumphant Spirit Cooldown - This allows you to use
Triumphant Spirit as soon as every 45 seconds. You can greatly heal your
fellows much more frequently.
•Soliloquy of the
Spirit Pulses - This makes SoS last longer and
send out more healing pulses than it previously did.
•Healing and
Motivation Skills Morale Healing - This increases the percentage of your
•Raise the Spirit
Healing - This increases the heals done by Raise the Spirit.
•Bolster Courage -
This is a good one to have as you use Bolster Courage so much. This will make
those heals that much more potent.
Important Legacies for DPSing - you'll want
this on your DPS weapon and book:
•Call of Orome Damage - Increases the
damage done by the Call of Orome.
•Piercing Cry
Damage - Increases the damage done by Piercing Cry.
•Call to Fate
Critical Multiplier - I like this one, even though it is a minor legacy. Call
to Fate is, as I previously mentioned, on of your hardest hitting skills, and
I will take any boost for a chance to make it hit even harder.
•Anthem of War
Damage (Tactical) - Makes the tactical damage modifier from Anthem of War
even greater!
Andadrien's Guide to the Minstrel (Post Helm's Deep)
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Thanks.. What about gear. do you have some gear layouts for the casual who might not have everything from Raiding
ReplyDeleteSorry, did not see your comment, I'll try to put up something about my gear soon.
DeleteI screenshotted my gear. The first age LI's are from raiding, but if you don't raid a lot, second age LI's will be great for you. The jewellery is from doing Big Battles, so no raiding necessary. Also, the armour I use are all barter items in Dol Amroth. I do two pieces of the set gear to get the +5% Healing Skill Critical Hit Chance. Then I do 4 pieces of the slotted essence gear to make up the rest of my stats. Again, the essences are available from bartering or by crafting them or by purchasing them from other players, so you don't have to raid to get them. It just takes time to be able to get all the barter tokens needed for the pieces. See my current set up here -
DeleteMuch appreciated. I played an end-game raiding minstrel for 4 years, but that was 3 years ago. Items, legacies, and trait builds have all changed a lot since then. This was very helpful for helping me update my play style. Now I just need to work on updating my gear. Level 65 stuff isn't working too well in level 85 quest areas. ;) I'm still unhappy about the heal nerf of U14.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any gear layouts for mostly-solo players like Mad42000 was asking about? Any suggestions anywhere from 85-100 would be appreciated. :D If crafted gear is best, I may work on that, but if there's better skirmish camp or faction rep gear for example, that would be great to know.
Sorry, did not see your comment, I'll try to put up something about my gear soon.
DeleteI screenshotted my gear. The first age LI's are from raiding, but if you don't raid a lot, second age LI's will be great for you. The jewellery is from doing Big Battles, so no raiding necessary. Also, the armour I use are all barter items in Dol Amroth. I do two pieces of the set gear to get the +5% Healing Skill Critical Hit Chance. Then I do 4 pieces of the slotted essence gear to make up the rest of my stats. Again, the essences are available from bartering or by crafting them or by purchasing them from other players, so you don't have to raid to get them. It just takes time to be able to get all the barter tokens needed for the pieces. See my current set up here -
DeleteThanks for this. I play a level 53 minstrel and this is my first and only character. I found this extremely helpful.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad!! Thank you for reading!
DeleteIn the picture at the top of this page, what is your character wearing? She looks awesome.
ReplyDeleteThe header that is currently on my blog features my character wearing the light armour essence gear that you can barter for in Dol Amroth! :)
Deleteomistars!! someone who knows how to use "oneshotted" correctly! kudos from an English teacher /cheersX3
ReplyDeleteI am just returning to LotrO after a looong hiatus; thank you so much for this great guide. I'll be studying it over a long period of time. it's wonderfully clear and concise. I needed this help badly and am happy to have found it!