Saturday, June 29, 2013

Big Week: BfE T2C, Ranking up, and lots of leveling!

Sorry guys for the long span of time between posts... That's my bad. I've been working full time and raiding a lot as well as leveling my little hunter hobbit. This week was cool. I was able to complete Battle for Erebor T2C last Monday with my kinship that my minstrel is in, The Phoenix Rising. That was pretty awesome and a server first for Vilya.

Here's a screenshot of us in there - click it to make it larger:

And here are screenies of the completed deed:

Completed: The Battle for Erebor - Challenge

Thanks to all my kinnies that were in the run - you guys and ladies are great: 
Rolandeschain, Slownkite, Alshain, Stormhannah, Aravyl, Askir, Ezredle, Ailious, Nonookie, Edrigon, and Impel.

Self-admittedly, I'm not the biggest PvP person, but I do venture out into the Ettenmoors from time to time. One of my kinmates ninja'd me into going to the 'moors the other evening as they needed a healer. I'm glad they did because I was able to go out there and get enough Renown to reach Rank 6 - ignore the fact that I have no audacity as I had no moors gear on when I took the screenshot the next day.

I figured that I should probably have another cap-level character to play and bring to raids. I've slowly leveled my guard, but that character is kind of on pause at the moment as I don't know if I would enjoy tanking. I love my mini, but I've played the crap out of her, and I think I'd like to experience the game from another perspective. I took my sweet old time leveling up Andadrien. Like seriously - it took me months because I was right when I guessed I wouldn't want to take the time to experience all the areas and take time with an alt. With her, I took my time to mozie (sp?) on through the different regions, enjoy the content, and take the story in. Now I'm leveling Dinel, my hobbit hunter. I went from level 18 or 20-ish to level 50 in the span of about 4 days this week, so I've been working hard-core on leveling her up. The good news is that I won a Tarnished Symbol of the Elder King in that BfE T2C run that I did. Since Andadrien has her FA's already, Dinel is set to have a pretty, new, shiny bow waiting for the second she turns level 85 (woohoo!). I'm lucky - I've won all my first age symbols from raiding and haven't had to farm runs over and over to have enough seals to buy them from the skirm camp. I swear that Erebrandir's Horseshoe is lucky. Whether or not it makes a differences on looting, I use it every time. :D All hail the horseshoe!

I've made a couple new outfits, so some new posts should come soon.

Oh and one more thing:


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