Evonii is a hunter on Vilya, and while crossing paths recently in Bree, I had to snap a screen shot. I do really like her outfit, and well, we usually only cross paths in the 'moors. I've been trying to think of a good hunter/huntress type of outfit lately, and I think she did a great job of accomplishing that and hitting the nail on the head. Her outfit looks feminine but deadly. I think the white dye was a great choice as it adds to the whole holy-assassin look.
This is easy enough to recreate with it being a set - you just have to be able to do Ost Dunhoth to get the barter pieces (I'm not sure how the Lesser Secret of the West which is acquired with Marks/Meds compairs cosmetically). She is wearing the OD burglar Secret of the West armour set along with Ryscdail for the boots - her headpiece is from the Lesser set while all of the rest are from the normal set.