In honor of LOTRO's continuing downtime for the last 38 hours, I would like to share with you a few of the glitches I have come across in our most favorite game.
Remember, you can always click the screenies to make them bigger.
Air swimming. I was swimming in the air.
Stuck hovering in place. I fell from the Resupplying the line quest and began hovering just off the ground and found I could not move from that spot. Darror then came to join the hovering fun.
Another glitch I thought was funny was when I switch from my lute to my flute. It still looked like I was holding a lute; however, I was playing it like a flute. That screenie was lost when I reformatted my last computer and didn't have it uploaded to photobucket.
Oh, Draigoch, dearest dragon. Your lair is riddled with glitches. There are so many of them that we expect to find a new one every time we set foot in your lair. Sometimes you hit exponentially hard, sometimes you glitch and only the ranged people can kill you, sometimes, Draigoch, your lair kills people and they can't be rezzed from any angle. That last example is what this screenie is of. I took this after I died (my chat box is not typically in the middle of the screen... was just chatting while waiting for a wipe.) after trying to rez people for about 5 minutes. I tried standing on every angle around then and tried standing directly on top of them. They spontaneously died and when I tried to rez, well, I just couldn't get line of sight despite standing directly on top of them.
Darror jumped down from the rafters of the Auction House/Vault in Snowbourn and got stuck by the vault keepers. He had to port out of there.
Aegelrod caught my Lore-Master crafting with my staff.
Aegelrod also snapped this screenie of when I discovered that you can die at the stable in Snowbourn, and if you don't die, you hover there for a couple minutes and then get flung backwards 20 meters.
Rindaroth shared this one with me. Randomly his game screen went absolutely bonkers:
If anyone else has any fun glitches that they'd like to share, please do!